Sunday, August 21, 2016


are drawn for protection and control.
Man is not very good in it.
He is even worse when he is trying to fix the borders 
that God has drawn. 
When almost omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent
man tries to erase certain borders he actually ends up
building more of them.
In man's latest boom to erase the border
 dividing the genders,
he has created a new category, transgender.
In his scientific curiosity he wants to erase
 the border between
men and animals by growing human organs
 in animal bodies.
The result could be a dog with a human
 brain or a mosquito with the brain of Einstein.
The best animal activists in the
 near future might be the animals themselves.
Demons have always been interested in
 possessing a human body
and man has always been interested in
 leaving his body and it's limitations. 
We can only imagine how much this is going on 
in today's world's affairs.
God broke the greatest border between
 Himself and man by  becoming man.
He, who had drawn the border,
 is the only one who can cross it successfully. 
Jesus, the sinless God-man
 became our Savior.
I Timothy 3:16

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