Monday, August 31, 2015

We forget , because we don't remember.

Responsibility means
“A duty to deal with something”
“The state or fact to be accountable”
“An ability to act independently”
These all are Google definitions, not bad.
The beginning of responsibility is easier to remember
than it’s continuation.
When glamour and heroism fade away, and decorative
words demand action, you understand how difficult
it is to separate words from human hearts.
They go deep, reaching “the joints and marrow”.
Future surprises will help us to remember.
Sometimes we just need to sit down and
define our responsibilities again.

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Spiritual Wickedness in High Places
Ephesian 6:12

Continuing tensions and conflicts between spiritual leaders
are actually  an oxymoron. Maybe they are not leaders.
Maybe they are not spiritual.
It’s a satanic master plan to attack all the blessings that flow
from the determined forgiveness and trust.
It’s embarrassing to see a leader not forgive another leader. 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Time is more expensive than money

The rich are those, who have the freedom
to manage their time.
After all,
time is the greatest resource and condition
for our lives to succeed.
When money ends, you take time to make more of it.
When time ends, your money will not be able
to help you.

Friday, August 28, 2015

Have a peace about it?

How much peace of mind do you want?
Yes, the problem is that we can survive
with so much less.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

I am the life.
John 14:6

And life goes on, unhindered, apologizing to nobody, not asking
for a permission, not waiting for better times.
Life has no need to blame anybody. It just goes on before and after us.
Man sees it’s victorious rally, but cannot put his stamp of ownership
on it. He has it , but it’s not his.
Man can torture it, abuse and bury it,
but he cannot stop it’s never-ending story.
Nothing in the past, present or future can frustrate it.
No failure has power to kill it.
It’s a wonderful life.
It is God himself crowning us with his beauty.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Discipleship means caring.

Discipleship, serving others by laying down your life,
has to work hard to convince the modern man, who has
managed to stand on his own feet and has found his own
voice long time ago.
Then the refugees come and kick everybody back to the
first square, where you have to depend on others and get
back to caring again.

Monday, August 24, 2015

 Listening to God, really?

When God says “Discipline”, we say, “We don’t like Legalism”.
When God says “Restrain”, we forget, what that word means.
When God says “Say no”, we say,

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Dying is not common, it happens once.

Getting used with the strange agreement
 “not to talk about death”
is a crime against humanity.
We build our cities, collect our monies
 and fix our bodies as if we
would be living forever on this corrupted planet.
Why does death come as a surprise,
 when everybody knows that
their feet are running desperately to the grave
 and nobody can stop them?
What do you say to a dying man?
“We all die one day”,
 is not a great encouragement at the gate of eternity.
Jesus said, ”I am the resurrection and the life.
 He who believes in me, 
though he may die, he shall live.
 And whoever lives 
and believes in me shall never die.
 Do you believe this?” 

John 14:25-26

Friday, August 21, 2015

Something Bigger Than Us

Self-orientation is one of the greatest enemies of forgiveness.
It’s a lie to think that the world spins around
 my thoughts and desires.
Our “own worlds” cannot survive even a second
without God’s greater grace.
Thinking soberly about ourselves is possible,
but not on our own conditions.
We are free to forgive, even when we don't feel for it.
Forgiveness cannot be controlled by us.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Content but Needy

Paul had agreed that God was teaching him contentment in
all circumstances in Philippians 4.
Nevertheless, he made it clear that his contentment doesn’t
take away his need to be encouraged by the church.
The uncomplaining, happy, spiritually minded people also
need to be ministered to. Even the pastors need a continuing
ministry of care beyond words from other believers.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Absurd Atheism

I said to an atheist, “The only difference between you and me is,
that God lives in me and doesn’t live in you.” He got offended.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Useless Activity

The flesh, the fallen nature of man, profits nothing.
Yet, most of our time is occupied with the activities of the flesh.
The flesh gets offended, frustrated and angry.
 It’s never happy with God’s spiritual solutions, such
as forgiveness, humility and grace.
The flesh claims to be practical , but is actually non-believing,  
finding  it’s inspiration in negativity and self-righteousness.
When we choose not to submit to the flesh, God fills our days
with heavenly joy. We can see His eternal purposes beyond
failures and disappointments.

Friday, August 14, 2015


Spiritual boldness comes from walking in the light.
Proverbs 28:1

Wednesday, August 12, 2015


Why is it so much easier to forget about
 our own sins than
it is to forget the sins of others? 
Matthew 18:21-35
Our main problem in relationships is selfishness. 
The modern civilization has
 become a self-oriented community,
where relationships are evaluated
 as business-deals and
privacy is exalted as the highest
 goal for a living standard.
Forgiveness will never work as a fifty fifty arrangement.
It seems like bad deal for the one
 who has been offended,
but it actually is an win-win deal
 for all who dare to participate.

Monday, August 10, 2015

His presence will lead us.
Exodus 33:18

The more time, health and wealth you have, the more
opportunities you have to sin.
But the opportunities to glorify God
don’t depend on any of these.
Our priority is not to ask for more money,
but to ask for more revelation of His presence.
“Show me your glory”, Moses said as he understood
that without God’s presence he would be desperately
lost with a million people in the wilderness.
He understood that his leadership didn’t depend on his talents.
It depended on the visibility of God in their midst.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Boredom has to go

There are so many good things in the world that
steal our time from better things.
Sometimes believers live a good but eventless life.
They have forgotten
that they have the power to initiate
the joy of heaven on the earth.
When all things become common, they become
uninteresting. The sense of holiness makes life interesting.
Christ can bring a celebration to all our boredom.

Thursday, August 6, 2015


A handshake is a strong symbol for trust.
I have no weapon in my hand.
I make myself approachable to you.
It’s not possible to work together without trust.
Trust can be lost in one second, but cannot be
restored in a second.
It will take hard work, a lot of continuing forgiveness
and a long time to bring back trust.
Restored trust is a supernatural gift from God.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Slow Faithfulness

Alfiya ushered in by her father on her wedding day.
pic by Eija

The power of love is manifested in faithfulness.
Faithfulness is not a feeling. It's a decision.
The more time you have, the more faithful you can be.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

 Greater Love
John 15:13

In order for love to be manifested it must go through trials.
The greatest test for love is time.
"You love me, all right. How long will your love last, till my first failure?"
When married people say, after being married for twenty years,
"We just don't love one another anymore", they can be encouraged to
learn to love one another again. It will be different. Maybe it could
even be Greater Love.