Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Disturbing Ministry of God

Even a false peace does last for some time.
People deceive themselves and others to
pretend certain circumstances to exist and 
only time will reveal the fraud. Sooner or later
the true condition of things will be revealed.
Elisha was a man who walked with God.
That disturbed and frustrated greatly the king of Syria.
The king was sure that there was a betrayer among
his own men until they told him that the trouble was
Elisha who "tells even the words that you speak
in your bedroom". II Kings 6:12
The world thinks the same way about the living
church today. The church is disturbing the false peace
and frustrating the well-organized, "brave new world"
when in reality we are the only thing that is still restraining
the pouring out of the wrath of God on this world.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

No Stress

Time is always short when compared with eternity.
The meaning of the visible things will lose their value
the older they get. In the future eternity will totally
swallow up time.
That’s why stress is such a worthless fantasy.
Where will it take you faster?

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Tired of Information

The tsunamis of information that try to invade our souls daily
are overwhelming and cruel. Like aggressive marketing ,
they don’t ask for a permission.
They come whenever they want.
Most of them are twisted, opinionated and deceitful.
Because they’re often not true, they don’t nourish man’s soul,
but consume it.
The floods of information have made a lot of people indifferent
and numb. This is a dangerous setting.
More than ever before you have be so careful with all the
papers you sign, beware of the small text that has been
hidden in the document.
The most dangerous developments are the documents that
don’t demand a personal signature anymore.
The system has already signed it, tailor -made for you.
Even God doesn’t do that.
He waits for our permission to rule over our lives.
John 6:63

Monday, October 19, 2015

Even When Nobody Knows

Personal, private integrity matters.
When nobody is around, then, what do I do?
The size of the gap between my private life
and my public life is the size of my need 
to grow in integrity.
Integrity means to love the truth and continue 
loving it without any compromises, even to 
one's own hurt.
Integrity defines the accuracy of our speaking,
the weight of our words.
One of the most serious and meaningful prayers 
in the Bible is found in Psalm 26:2-3
"Examine me, O Lord, and prove me;
Try my mind and my heart. For your loving 
kindness is before my eyes, and I have walked
in your truth."

Saturday, October 17, 2015


Doing things voluntarily
 is considered to be one of the fundamental
psychological needs of man.
Even little children are taking pride
 for doing things by themselves.
It brings a feeling of success and responsibility.
This need has been distorted by 
the strong emphasis on independence.
People are advised to save themselves,
 not to depend on God.
Looking for a salvation outside of God is a dead end street.
God is the author of salvation.
God continues to love man,
 because love is the highest form of expression.
It cannot be forced.It's not possible without freedom.
Our free will is a powerful tool in sanctification,
 but it also can easily
be used as a weapon for destruction.
Submission, obedience and humility are beautiful
 principles which all are based on voluntary choices . 

Friday, October 16, 2015

Eyes Opened

 The message of God is not always a ready standard answer
nor a happy end. Often it’s a colon.
Sometimes a life-long answer will follow.
Every moment of communication with God
is unique. It’s not a replay of some original
prototype conversation.
God always encourages us to think deeper, higher and further.
Without the supernatural involvement of the Holy Spirit our
thoughts and expectations remain one dimensional.
The servant of Elisha saw a great army of the enemy
surrounding them. He missed the invisible horses and
chariots of fire around the prophet. What changed it?
Elisha’s request to open his servant’s eyes.
Life is not what it looks like. I don’t think that the horses
and chariots of fire have been taken to the garage yet.
They continue being busy around God's people today.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Come ye aside and rest awhile.
Mark 6:31

Some spots for rest are in a dangerous places.
Jesus himself rested in the storm and seemingly
shocked his disciples with his choice of time
and place for his nap.
The whole world is such a place, full of dangers and
unsure circumstances.
It's a powerful thing to lay down and rest in Him when
the whole world around you is falling apart.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Dreams Turned into Nightmares

The dream of a new life has inspired people since they
were deported from Eden. When the bubbles of these dreams
burst, people understand that they have grown too old
to pursue another  new beginning.
After spending years in refugee camps in horrible conditions,
unwanted and rejected, many start dreaming
retrospectively about their homeland again.
Things weren’t actually that bad after all…
This happened with the Israelis who left Egypt as well as
with the Russians who themselves destroyed the Soviet Union,
the Brave New World of their dreams.
The good old days probably never existed.
Those memories are misleading us to another bubble,
which will  burst as soon as you get close enough to touch it.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015


Rest doesn’t require a lot, but it needs a time,
 a place , a reason and a permission.
People who have lost their place and time for rest
 have first lost their motivation for it.
A guilty man has no real rest. 
He can sleep two nights in a row, but
still wake up exhausted.
His rest doesn’t depend on time and place.
Resting from our own works, both good and bad,
is the greatest gift that we receive in salvation.
You can rest with that gift, even when
“A thousand will fall at your side,
and then thousand at your right hand.”

Psalm 91:7

Monday, October 12, 2015

Wheat or Weed?  

Just because something grows, it doesn’t mean that it is useful.
Weeds need to be pulled out on time. Otherwise they will destroy
all useful life and nourishment.
Amid all the romantic views on the innocence of the creation,
the nature needs to be ruled. God chose the man for the job.
Even though man picked up a wrong fruit and misused the leaves
of a fig tree  in his desperation,
man cannot correct his mistakes by giving up the task.
We continue to be the ones who are created to rule over all God’s
creation and to subdue it. If man tries to do it independently of God,
he will continue doing more damage. Atheism is not an innocent little
opinion of man. It’s the most arrogant and dangerous philosophy
against the nature and it’s beauty.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Turning Around

Dead ends are usually just great opportunities
to open our eyes to a new direction.
When we are cornered by our circumstances,
we are given a new beginning. It takes humility 
to change our direction and give up some goals 
that turned out to be unrealistic or even unworthy
for pursuing.
Check your "distance with the ark" and 
start a new journey for
"You have not traveled this way before."
Joshua 3:4

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Slow Eternity 

When things don’t happen so fast,
there’s time to think about eternity.
Nothing happens “fast” in eternity.
The demand for fastness is
 often connected with productivity.
Man is striving to produce more products faster
in order to have more time to produce
more products, faster.
Everyone knows that the quality of things
suffers from too fast production.
Jesus’ concept of fastness seems so slow for us.
He said, “I’m coming quickly”.
Could it be the lack of quality (in us) that
keeps him from proceeding?

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Get it back.

Restoration is powerful. It doesn’t count the cost and it doesn’t
remember evil. We have a continuing need in relationships for
restoration to take over and convince everyone that we have
the right to start over again.
Restored relationships are a special grace gift from God.
Just like salvation, He will do it unless you resist it and decide 
to continue in your misery.
Joel 2:25

Wednesday, October 7, 2015


Sincerity is never a standard for the truth.
If you sincerely believe that you can fly, you
will have nobody to blame when you are laying
down among your bones, messed up and in pain.
People can be sincerely wrong all of their lives.
Sincerity is not an acceptable excuse for ignorance either.
Being uninformed about something can be fatal.
It can keep you believing in fables and fantasies, but
it has no power to turn the chariots into pumpkins nor
frogs into princes.
Be careful, diligent, buying the truth not selling it.
In sincerity some have ended up living with a frog
the rest of their lives.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The Culture of Forgiveness

Even when people are not Christians by conviction they still
enjoy the spirit of Christianity which promotes forgiveness.
Some other religions are considered to represent the 
culture of revenge. For them forgiveness is considered to be
a weakness. That brings them to a conclusion that God cannot
really forgive. That would make him weak.
We are not humanizing God. 
God is not like us, but we are like God.
Each time when we forgive and love unconditionally we are
like God.He is not far. He is our Emmanuel.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Too Much 

It's too much useless, disturbing information
 and too little healthy
nourishment to our soul. 
It's too much decoration to cover all 
the emptiness and pain.
 It's too much talking to invade all the 
space where truthful and gracious words should rule.
The world is too noisy, too aggressive,
 too confusing and demanding.
But, it's not too late for us to  remember
that we have been sent to this world.
It's not too late to seek and save that which is lost.
This world is the best, and the only,
  platform for our faith.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Live long!

A Finnish researcher was looking for a common denominator
for centenarians in Finland. He didn’t seem to find any. They
came from all possible backgrounds and represented all the
known social statuses and life-styles. The only two things that
he found to be common for all of them were a good sense
of humor and curiosity.
I was laughing about it and got curious about centenarians in
other countries.
The commercials tell us that people in the Caucasus mountains
live long because they eat yogurt, but the centenarians of Lenkoran,
Azerbaijan told the journalist that yogurt is not very popular there.
“I never eat it, “ Mirzahan Movlamov  , one of the longest ever lived
man said dismissively. “Never.”
I’m laughing and continuing my curious studies.