Sunday, June 28, 2015

Agreeing with God

I believe that the main reason why Jonah
was so offended by the mercy of God
towards people was his self-centredness.
He looked at the work of God from his own
small world and got frustrated.
Maybe this was one of the main goals of his mission.
God wanted him to step out from his own
subjective interpretations and be carried
by the plan of God. God knows what he is doing.
The only problem with that is one’s
disagreement with it.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Fast And Fluent

Some people are so good in speaking that it’s impossible
to find out who they really are and what they think.
If you attach an unlimited amount of money to an extremely
sophisticated and fast vocabulary you end up approving
things that you never even dreamed to talk about.
When the dust settles down you are sitting there with
no arms nor legs left and you wonder what just happened.
This is called deception.

Friday, June 26, 2015


As advanced as computers are they are not spiritual.
Even though they can be programmed with the right
vocabulary and sure patterns based on spiritual principles,
they can never share our pain  nor give us a hug.
The orthodox idea of the church service being a divine
play has some truth to it. It’s the momentum of God’s
work that is manifested in flesh and blood.
Moses could not just sent a message to the Pharaoh
when asking  him to let his people go. He had to
physically go into his presence.
Paul didn’t just send church planting epistles. He had to
take the inconveniences and pains of travelling in
order to reach Rome and other centers on civilizations.
God didn’t send just an influence from heaven to save
the world. He had to come himself.
This is called missions.

Thursday, June 25, 2015

From Sacrifice to Surrender

Last night we heard an amazing message and an invitation
not to be fooled by that what seems to be genuine and deep.
P.Brown described the difference between  sacrifice and
surrender. When someone is giving a sacrifice they give up
something to give over. They still have control over the
action. Surrender demands more distance. You give up your
control and give in.
Only God can move me from sacrifice to surrender.
This is something that will never be announced publicly.
Only God knows if you really have surrendered to him.
God’s plan will always lead us to places where we cannot
manage everything.
The only reasonable choice is to surrender in trust. 
That’s a good geography to study.

Anybody will do.

Anyone who has ever been used by God in any capacity
knows very well that God can use anybody.
He can make stones to speak, donkeys, snakes, angels, bananas…
In the midst of all these multiple choices man continues to be
his best choice. Why is that?
It’s our freedom. No other creature is as free as we are.
Pastor Schaller has been speaking a lot about the story of Jonah.
We can learn so many things about the work of God from it.
For me it looks like God needed Jonah to preach in Nineveh.
He insisted using Jonah.
Somehow he could not save the city without a preacher.
And it almost didn’t matter what kind of preacher it would be,
as long as he was one with a free will.
God can use anybody but will he find somebody whom he could use?
There seems to be so many anybodies, but only a few somebodies.
Anybody will become somebody when they agree to be available for God.

Monday, June 22, 2015

Just shake it off !

Projections are the uninvited thoughts, ideas, feelings and attitudes
that pop up in our minds arrogantly, demanding all our attention.
They are lies that are sent to distract us
away from the presence of God.
They don’t just happen.  They are a part of Satan’s systematic
attack on people.
In the midst of one of the greatest blessings
for your spiritual welfare (read GGWO Convention),
you all the sudden feel that you should be somewhere else,
alone, far from these truthful friends.
Truth is not a spontaneous, surprising feeling.
It’s a solid rock that cannot be easily kicked out from our lives.
Projections are more like a sandstorm that comes and goes.
Just shake it off.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Out of The Squirrel Wheel

Out of The Squirrel Wheel

According to some Christian theologies
 “man has to merit the merit of Christ”.
This puts people into a squirrel wheel,
where there seems to be a lot of activity
but no achievement.
Unresolved guilt continues to motivate
their absurd pursuit.
After running for a while inside this wheel a person
sees nothing but himself and himself only.
That’s one of the main reasons why people withdraw
from fellowship. They get tired of pretending that
everything is all right, when they actually are
at the brink of collapsing.
Healthy faith always leads us to see
more of God and His graciousness. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

God is a rich giver.

God doesn’t agree to work like a vending machine.
He is a rich giver.
He continues to give generously. You don’t have to deserve his gifts
and you cannot pay it back later.
This is a hard lesson for us to learn as in our own system every
reward is based on our performance.
Every favor has a price.
Cain understood in Gen. 4:6 that God doesn’t receive a face.
He cannot be influenced by human manipulation. Yet, he hears
our prayers and encourages us to speak to him.
Zacharias and Elisabeth were said to be “righteous before God,
walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord
blameless, but they had no child…” Luke 1:6
They were given a child, John the Baptist, and he was given
disregard of her barrenness or their blamelessness.
Ask and it shall be given to you or ... not.
The more you know him, the better you know what to ask.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Almost perfect is not perfect at all.

“ Perfection is like the North Pole. Once
you reach it, you understand that life is actually somewhere else.”
I saw this comment in the classical music station’s
chat box in Finland.
Aiming perfection can be a devastating experience.
Demanding perfection from others is not less disastrous.
However, any other standard would justify sin.
God doesn’t want us to fight sin with a perfect performance,
but with perfect dependency.
The emphasis is not in what we do, but in who we are.
We are perfectly saved, perfectly accepted and perfectly covered.
This perfection is not a condition, but a consequence
of God's own work..
“It is finished” could also be translated as “It is perfected.”

Matthew 5:48

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Is it the Finished Work or a denial ?

When we speak about the finished work we understand that
God is not just trying to fix our fallen nature, but has given us
a new nature that is worth to be discovered and expressed.
If we dig deep into the psychology of our sinful old man we 
often end up opening a bag of worms that will occupy all our
time and energy the rest of our lives.
When we refuge to do that we simply recognize it's existence,
but deprave it from our attention.
We proclaim that the purpose of life is found in another realm,
in the life of faith.
Faith gives us the permission to worship God in all times, in
all circumstances.
We are not closing our eyes. We are seeing further.
We are not closing our minds. We think bigger.
We become more careful with our steps as they slip so easy
to the darker side of our person and rob all our joy and purpose.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

You are the air I breathe.

A Christian thinker Francis Schaeffer speaks about
nature eating up grace.
In his philosophical analysis he points out that by the
end of the Renaissance man had managed to promote
his natural thinking to a level where no holiness nor
heavenly existed in his daily life.
Hiding from God is impossible. Running from his
presence is ridiculous. The further man thinks he is
getting the closer to God he is coming.
The attempt to set our culture free from God
is the greatest tragedy of our heritage. God is not the problem.
Leaving God out is like trying to stamp the air we breathe.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Move on!

Moving on keeps our heart beating.
Horizontal dead ends are just a gentle reminder that God’s
life is multi-dimensional. It’s not an end at all.
The life of God is often compared to a river that moves on
unhindered, always finding the way.
The river of God is full of water.
Running the race in this flow is not really that difficult
as long as you don’t resist and try to change the direction.

Hebrews 12:1

Monday, June 15, 2015

No More Pain

There is no shadow in His presence.
There are no questions, no stress, no misunderstandings.
There will never be failures, ever again.
He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live
and move and have our being.

James 1:17, Acts 17:27-28

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Life is not what it looks like.

In life we meet a lot of uninvited people in unexpected situations.
It looks like all problems
are caused by wrong people who are saying wrong things
in wrong places in wrong times.
It’s a miracle of grace that anything good can come out of these situations.
Jesus invited his disciples to follow him. I’m sure they had their
expectations and interpretations of what was going on.
Time after time they heard things that they had never heard before.
They saw everything change when Jesus walked into people’s lives.
Mountains turned into roads. Water became wine.
Murderers became preachers.
No wonder they wanted to be like him.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

When Only Patience Works

Situations where only patience works are a challenge to our
fast performing life-style. When we would like to fast forward
our lives, some things just refuse to move on.
Patience is strongly connected with obedience.
Obedience is not a natural response to us. It must be learned.
And you cannot learn it fast.
We need patience to do the will of God.  Hebrews 10:36
The Bible is full of examples of God training people for a long
time for a specific task, Moses, Joseph, Abraham, Esther, Paul.
Jesus is said to have learned obedience,
by the things that he suffered.
It wasn’t a big Rambo mission for him.
It was a slow, invisible but powerful work that took place on
this planet, when most of the people were just eating
and drinking and worrying about their appearances.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Never ending Seeking and Finding

Some people are eternal seekers. They like the process of seeking,
but are not so excited about finding something.
Their honesty disappears when their findings start getting more personal
and uncomfortable.
A spiritual man is actively seeking the will of God.
Loving the truth, even to his own hurt, is an amazing quality in
a seeker’s soul.
I love this thought, that God is invisible, yet he invites us to seek him.
That kind of seeking always takes us to a higher ground.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

It's not a failure to start again.

To start something new is so much fun and exciting.
To continue doing it amid all obstacles and unexpected costs,
is always a test for our true character.
All the unfinished projects become like never disappearing
waste in our soul. Undefined guilt can often be traced back
to these forgotten dreams and visions.
To take things all the way unto completion is in God’s character.
Those are the times when we, together with God, enjoy glory.
Continuing new beginnings of the old projects is much fun, too.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Man cares about not caring.

I heard this in the Science class in Baltimore last night.
“ People who say that they don’t care what others 
think about them, always make sure that others know it.”

Monday, June 8, 2015

No communication is bad communication.

People think that it’s a great idea to punish friends by not
talking to them anymore.
Didn’t you know that this is the most dangerous kind of silence.
It has the power to destroy nations.
But , you are not punishing anyone else, but yourself.
The silence is cutting wings from your soul and
destroying the future of your own ministry.
If you don’t want to speak with someone anymore,
maybe you could listen.
This is not your own business. We all others are robbed the joy
of fellowship in the light  because of your stubborn, selfish attitude.
Give up your rights to reason in the flesh
and come and laugh with us all again.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

It’s a numeric inflation!

   a painting by Twombly, the price measured by millions

The days when billions impressed us are gone.
Now even quadrillions or terabytes are not enough
to measure man’s achievements and debts.
God called Abraham out from his own tents and
invited him to count the stars and the sand in the ground.
Are you mocking me , God?
No, I’m trying to give you something that you cannot pay for.
There will always be a greater grace available to
your failure. There will always be more love.
It's amazing to be lost in God's greatness daily.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Have you laughed about it, yet?

This laughter thing, it’s one of those “beyond our control”
phenomenas. It often has a heavy baggage of guilt and shame
attached to it. I think laughter is a charisma, a grace gift from God.
Not the hysterical, weird, falling down, slain by the spirits giggling,
but genuine healthy laughter.
God has given us the right to laugh at things as a simple way to
deal with the hordes of depression and apathy demons that try
to claim their territory in our wounded souls.
When did I laugh last?

Friday, June 5, 2015

“Where can I flee from your presence?”

So many things don’t depend on us, but the claim that nothing
depends on us sounds like one of those most common excuses
to escape responsibility for our personal decisions.
If man doesn’t believe God to be a person, he will not be
morally concerned for the consequences of his behavior.
Man’s philosophy in life will define his integrity.
It’s so much more difficult to lie to a person with a face
than to an impersonal  machine or
 to an always changing system of rules and regulations.
No wonder the Old Testament blessing says,
“The Lord make His face to shine upon you”.

 Numbers 6:25

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Can God make mistakes?

I’m often tempted to think that God made a big mistake by giving
so much autonomy to man. The more I think about it,
the more it amazes me and motivates me to know him .
In a way He had nothing to loose,
 but being faithful to his own character
He ended up on the cross.
Wasn't that a loss?
 We have no idea what the cross really meant for Him.
Besides the fall of Adam and Eve the cross could
have been another reasonable moment to dump man
 and try something else.
They mocked Him
 and challenged him to step down from the cross,
but His genuine love kept him there. The work was finished,
but that’s just a new beginning of His eternal plan,
with no other beginning and end but Himself.
There is so much more to come.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Listening is a spiritual skill.

Man has, in his social evolution, developed an ability
to speak a lot without saying anything.
This is manifested, not only in political debates, but
also in the all filling world of entertainment.
As if everybody was afraid that all the sudden they’ll
have nothing left to say and they will be forced to
listen to God.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Remember the poor.
Gal. 3:10

Don’t just explain their state with
 political and sociological terms.
Most of the poor in the world are
 not themselves responsible for their poverty.
Building a higher fence and hiding the poor
 from our daily life doesn’t stop their cry.
 Emotional money giving will not satisfy their hunger.
They need to be given the right to meet with you,
yes, even to touch you.
Do you know anyone who is poor?

“Who is like the Lord our God,
who dwells on high…
He raises the poor out of the dust,
and lifts the needy out of the ash heap
that He may seat him with princes-
with the princes of his people.”

Psalm 113:5,7

Monday, June 1, 2015

Not seeing the forest for the trees

General statements are often an escape from an inconvenient truth
or just a cry of a helpless man who has too much on his own plate,
too many trees around him,
and understands that he has no power to help others.