Monday, February 29, 2016

easier to be a framer than a painter

When something needs to be done, 
many are willing to help,
but it’s difficult to find one 
who will do the job no matter what.
People are afraid of failures.
They don’t want another challenge and
 they have chosen to avoid all risks.
A risk-less lifestyle is sometimes
 mistakenly viewed as a moral approach to life.
 Taking a risk is considered irresponsible.
But if everyone is a framer,
 we’ll have nothing to look at.
If you refuse to paint, you might end up framing
others’ pictures that you cannot stand.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Look for the connection

When we don’t hear the connections,
 we hear just opinions and
fragments of something that doesn’t make sense.
Taking things out of context and reconnecting  pieces of
information for a new meaning is a common tactics
 in today’s communication.
The fact, that there is too much information around,
 helps people to get by it without any real accountability
 to anyone and definitely not to God.
Liars end up leading the polls and
 even ruling over countries.
God has been long ago deleted from
these people’s mailing lists.
There can never be too much truth.
Truth is always connected with more truth.
Truth is always constructive, even when it hurts.
Truth never gets old, therefore it always will outlive
all these people who have learned to speak so well and
long without ever saying anything.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Slow down, stop!

You are not getting anywhere faster.
The faster you go, the less you are able to think.
Watch out, you might be in someone else’s program.
God said,” Behold, I come quickly.” Two thousand
years later we are still waiting for his coming.
God himself is not waiting in the same sense as we are.
He has no beginning  and no end.
His time concept is far beyond our seconds and minutes.
When Lazarus died, Jesus seemingly came late.
But his “late” revealed even something greater.
When Lazarus’ time had ended,
Jesus raised him from the dead.
Time lost it’s grip on him.
The religious leaders were stressed to kill him again.
They had no idea what had just happened.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Life is a mess.

Man's life is a mess. 
The world he has created is a mess.
We have gotten so used to it,
 that we call the mess
the New World Order.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

No Faith without Knowledge

 " If you had known..." John 14:7
" If you knew..." John 4:10
" If you know..." John 13:17

Didn't you know that you have power
to expose the darkness of ignorance by
speaking the truth?
So many don't believe, 
simply because they don't know.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Human moods can change
ten times in half of a second.
If you give in to follow your moods,
you'll be trapped into the cosmic
washing machine spin for hours
without ever finding out why.
The word of God keeps our head
in heaven and our feet on the earth.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Grow up!

I like the concept of growing up.
The upper we grow, the further we see.
We grow up by "speaking the truth in love."
Ephesians 4:15 

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Slowing Down

Getting old doesn't need to be excused.
It's a privilege.
It's a joy to realize that slowing down 
helps you to see more.
 Now you have the time to pick
up the stuff that you dropped
 in your youthful rush.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Believing, but not confessing

"Nevertheless even among the rulers
many believed in Him,
but because of the Pharisees
they did not confess Him,
lest they should be put out
 of the synagogue;
for they loved the praise of men more
than the praise of God."
John 12:42-43
Faith without a confession is like
a bird that refuses to fly,
a fish that doesn't swim. 
It's like an amazing thought
 that never gets spoken.
It's a life never lived.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Vocabulary of Eternity

Grace is from the vocabulary of eternity.
It is a foreign language to the fallen man.
So is holiness, glory and forgiveness.
Even love is.
The best way to learn this language is by
practicing it daily.
Even though we never seem
 to get rid of our accents,
we still are able to communicate
 and connect with others.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Not That We Have Already Attained

The heroes of faith in Hebrews 11 
did not receive the promises.
Their dreams never came true.
Yet, we have all the reason to believe that they
were walking in the perfect will of God.
On the earth the trip itself seems to be 
more valuable than the arrival.
Waiting is more useful than achieving.
Running is more important than winning.
Believing is more valuable than seeing.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Small World

Man is limited to his own mind, 
if he is separated from God and his resources.
His subjective mind continues to deceive him.
He looks at the amazing earth and 
says it's zillions of years old,
because that's how long it would take 
for him to create something like that.
Man is like God, but God is not like man.
That's why we still have man on this earth.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Time For Eternity

King Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall
and prayed after hearing from the prophet
that he should be prepared to die.
God heard his prayer and gave him 
fifteen more years to live.
II Kings 20:2
Another king, Belshazzar, saw the writing on the wall 
saying, "You have been weighted in the balances
and been found wanting."
Daniel 5:27
Why would somebody want to live 
longer than necessary on the earth? 
Because our eternal quality in life is connected and
determined by our time on the earth.
Time is for eternity.
Jesus challenged the religious leaders of his time about
being occupied with secondary issues and neglecting
the weightier matters.
Matthew 23:23
The weightier matters that he mentions were
 justice, mercy and faith.
These are the things that matter in preparation for eternity.
What somebody said or didn't say; The way how somebody
looks like has very little, if any value in eternity.
Most of the less weightier stuff will just burn away
and be no more.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

No one should be left alone

with their decisions, struggles and victories.
I was reading about the war widows in Afghanistan.
In the local culture widows are considered to 
be bad omens. They are mostly under the age of 35
and they are illiterate.Their life and their opportunities
were buried with their husbands.
The Bible uses the ministry to orphans and widows
as an example of a pure and undefiled religion
in James 1:27
They should not be left alone with their challenges
in life.
The word together comes with a lot of encouragement.
That means: You are included. You will not
be left alone.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Thinking is enough

to make us happy.
Not deep philosophical reasoning ,
but the simple connection of the truth
with our inner man.
As a traditional Finnish Christmas song says it,
"No gold, nor silver or glamour
I seek.
Just give me light from heaven...."