Tuesday, December 29, 2015

God's handwriting

Time is God's handwriting.
Everything relates to it and nothing nor anyone can escape
it's accuracy. 
Today the world operates based on this date, December 29, 2015.
Two thousand fifteen years from what?
Not from the birth of Darwin or from the end of a World War,
but from the birth of the only capable Savior of the mankind.
All man's reliable dealings recognize His coming daily.
Even the atheistic newspapers print this date.
Every agreement, time-table, peace treaty, 
every business deal around the world is considered
valid only with God's own handwriting in it.
Have a Blessed New Year. It's another borrowed year from 
His throne of grace. 
Our times are in his hand.
Psalm 31:15

Monday, December 28, 2015

The Household of God

is God's greatest testimony on the earth.
The only thing that God will take to heaven from this world
is His own family. God is in love with his people.
We are encouraged to do good especially to those who are
of the household of faith. Gal.6:9
All spiritual gifts, charismas, are given for this purpose,
to build up the Body of Christ.
So, let's build up the Body of Christ
and continue looking for more ways to
build up the Body of Christ.

Sunday, December 27, 2015


The vessel is also important, but useless without a good content.
I think that churches are full of important vessels who are just
waiting to be used, or avoiding from being recognized as suitable.

Friday, December 25, 2015

Set Your Mind On Things Above

Otherwise the the dust of this world will fill all 
the chambers of your soul.
From above we see the bigger picture and understand
how small some of our frustrating battles actually are.

Thursday, December 24, 2015



When someone says God cannot become man, he is 
questioning the character and authority of God himself.
If God didn't become man, we would not have any 
sufficient sacrifice for our sins, only man's filthy rags,
nicely folded, but useless for cleansing.
God's human nature is totally connected with His deity.
When Christ cried and suffered on the cross,
it was God himself feeling the human pain.
This brings us all close to him and him to us.
He is our Immanuel, God with us and for us forever.

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Animals Don't Love You

Loving animals more than people seems to be growing 
in popularity. Pets are having a ball with their new 
calorie counting diets and latest fashion overcoats.
Why do people love animals?
I think the main reason is their human likeness.
Those characteristics amuse us and deceive us to think
that an animal could be our best friend. 
In reality the comfort and love that we receive from animals
is nothing more than the pleasure we receive from a
well-decorated ice-cream cone.
People need people to love them.
Nothing can substitute that.
Let the dogs care for dogs and cats care for cats.
There are millions of people out there who would love
to get to know you.

Monday, December 21, 2015

Thinking About Thinking

Refusal to think can be fatal.
Thinking is one of our greatest responsibilities,
if not the easiest to fulfill.
It takes time, motivation and content.
If we only have the time but no content nor motivation,
our thinking will become a frustrating burden.
Very few people think. Most of the people are just living
as victims of other people’s thinking.
God invites us to think with him.
Jesus encouraged us not to  think what to
eat and drink and what to wear.
He told us not to waste our time on that.
Thinking with God rewards us with a lot of motivation and
understanding of his plans in this world.
We are the only creatures that think about thinking.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

Getting There

With man's new abilities to overcome time
he's getting closer and closer 
to his final independence of God.
His smartness is taking him to hell faster than expected.
Isaiah challenged his listeners with some impossible tasks:
"Who has calculated the dust of the earth, 
weighed the mountains in scales..."
Isaiah 40:12
It would not surprise me to find such a man in today's world.
When God saw the mankind building the tower of Babylon,
he said, "Nothing is now impossible for man..."
Our towers today are higher than ever before in man's history.
By building a high tower man thinks that he can see further, 
but what's the point of being on the top of the world 
as a blind, proud and angry man?

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Go On Dying

God is continually inviting people to seek His face.
No man can see God's face and live.
That sounds like a dangerous contradiction.
That's right, Christian faith is life-threatening.
The only way to fellowship with God is through death.
Dying daily to our needy fallen nature is
the only way to enter His presence with joy.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Use It!

 "by sanctifying it with the Word of God and prayer."
I Tim.4:5
There is no reason for believers to resist the God-given
progress in technology and science. Computers and cell
phones are not from Satan, but Satan is using the modern
technology to the maximum.
In order to minister in today's world we need to constantly
study how it works.
Using the world is an important element
in our ministry.
Paul appealed to Caesar, perfectly knowing that this would 
win him a trip to Rome.
He was not just contextualizing his message,
he knew the system. He became all things to all men that he
 "might by all means save some." I Cor.9:22
If our methods are hindering us,
we should upgrade our thinking
and move on with all the exciting new 
means that God has provided.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The Earth Is Full Of His Goodness
Psalm 33:5

Our inability to define goodness is not an acceptable excuse
not to do good.
The same way as our inability to define the air would not be 
a wise reason to stop breathing.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

A Good Life 

How do you define a good life?
Is it unlimited resources of money, time and freedom;
is it opportunities that reward you intellectually,
emotionally, socially?
Isn't it a well rested night and a continuing
smile on your face because you don't hate anyone.
Isn't it  a full assurance that you are forgiven and
loved without restrictions, eternally.
John 10:10

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

If We Cannot

If one cannot love, he cannot believe either.
For love is the first step of faith.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Happy Independence Day, Finland!

Learning to love our country, just as God loves it.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Time To Give

It's the season again when
 businesses are appealing to our
guilt and duties to fix
 our neglected relationships by giving gifts.
Where did that come from?
Why are we giving gifts?
Besides the superficial business-like giving,
 is there a deeper
need to give and to receive deep in our soul?
The value of the gift seems to be a part of the game.
Giving too little or too much can both be fatal mistakes.
Gifts can confuse, disappoint and hurt.
The whole life is a gift.
Who gave it? Why was it given? What is it's value?
Giving things can be done without any
 personal price or involvement.
Giving values is so much more expensive than money.
It requires your time, your honesty and transparency.
That kind of giving is not seasonal. It's a life-style.
Quality cannot be bought with money.
It comes from values.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Impressive Words

Smart sayings and fluent slogans impress us, but don't
always nourish.
It's amazing how much we are willing to compromise
with the truth just for the pleasure of entertainment.
Truth doesn't have to be well polished or decorated in
order for it to save us.
Satan was a lead singer in heaven, but iniquity was
found in his heart.
He's still touring the world, fully booked.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Check Your Pockets!

Sometimes we put up a whole show about God not hearing 
our prayers and hiding his will for our lives.
We have learned the right theology and the vocabulary 
that comes with it, but we still deceive ourselves by thinking
that God doesn't see everything. Our "pockets" are full of stuff
that hinder our prayers and rob our joy.
Agreeing with God about it  is the first long step towards
deliverance from this bondage.
The miracle of grace is that God sees all things and continues 
to love and defend us.