Man is so smart
that he has managed to create a society where the Creator of
all things, including man himself, is not even mentioned.
In his smartness he is actually cutting off the branch where he
is sitting.He claims everything to originate from a big bang,
but he goes on proving it in the name of orderly, logical thinking.
He should stick to his original method and anticipate even greater
bangs and higher civilizations as a result of them.
Man has been blinded and imprisoned by his abilities.
Reason without God takes man deeper into his misery and
ultimately will lead him to hell, where no big bang will be able
to deliver him.
Our maximum amount of freedom can be experienced only
through our dependency on our Creator.
Augustine said, "The person who evaluates things according
to reason, has far more freedom of choice than the one who is
driven by want or drawn by passion."
Faith is the highest expression of reason and therefore
the only way for man to enjoy his freedom.