Power changes people.
Best friends become strangers, servants become tyrants.
Power always changes people, usually for worse.
They say, if you want to find out a person’s character,
give him power.
Sooner or later the people with power just lose their
and become victims of their own ambitions.
They don’t have power, but “power” has them.
Pilate had reached this point in his thinking.
Meeting with Jesus shook up his world.
When Jesus
answered him nothing,
he understood that he was a mere mortal again.
He could not exercise his power over the King of Kings.
”Don’t you know that I have power?”
sounded like a jumpy exclamation of a child who has just
caught at the cookie jar.
Jesus finally said,
“You would have no power unless it was given to you from
We hear no more comments from Pilate after that.