Thursday, March 31, 2016

People change.

Money, power, popularity, tragedies, sicknesses,
broken relationships, change people for better or for worse.
Everybody changes, that's the name of the game.
To change one's opinions, political or religious convictions,
wives, husbands, friends, even churches is considered immoral.
A person involved with such changes is often trusted less
and avoided more.
Some changes are mistakes and lead people to change back.
It's a bit confusing , but joyous, to meet people who divorced
and remarried back, even many times.
Most of the changes are private, quiet ponderings of the heart.
Sometimes people leave and it surprises others.
Maybe in their hearts they left decades ago.
II Corinthians 3:18 speaks about the change that the Holy Spirit
causes in us, from glory to glory. I'm sure this is not referring to
our religious vocabulary or our public behavior inside or
outside of the church. This speaks about the none-manipulated 
work of the Spirit in a believers soul. This is connected with 
the intercession of the Holy Spirit. He is said to intercede
for us "with groanings that cannot be uttered".
Romans 8:26-27
Our souls are changed as
 they are being prepared for heaven.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

If something is not right,

it's wrong.
But "wrong" has become a relative concept.
That what is wrong for you might be absolutely
acceptable for millions of other people.
Millions of others would argue that it's wrong 
to even say that something is wrong.
With this oxymoron all wrongness has lost it's authority.
No wonder the news are filled with 
conflicts and tensions all over the world.
When nothing is wrong, then nothing is right neither.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Eating and again eating

The disciples didn't believe that they were speaking
with the risen Savior " because of joy and amazement..."
Luke 24:41
Jesus knew how to get their attention.
He asked them, if they had anything to eat.
This was the language the disciples understood
right away. This is not imaginations. This is real.
They were obviously still on the bread level.
Food is not a lesser motivation for all human activities.
It has moved nations from one country to another.
A lot of our daily activities are arranged around food.
Breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinners,
 brunches, coffee breaks,
diets, calories, organic products,
carbohydrates, enzymes,
minerals,tofu ... we know it all.
Maybe the secret of a balanced spiritual life
 is to eat less
and believe more.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

The Same Power

Nothing less, but the same power that raised Jesus
from the death is given to us.
It enables us to believe when hope has been crushed.
It helps us to love when anger cannot be controlled.
It demands us to forgive, even "to our own hurt."
It gives us an unending reason 
to go on until we'll see His face.

Happy Easter to all !

Thursday, March 24, 2016

No Greater Love

It is a brilliant, but painful plan,
loving by suffering.
It seems like some are called to suffer
so much more than others.
Love suffers long.
Genuine love will always leave it's
mark in history.
Jesus loved people by taking their pain.
He explained this to be the greatest 
expression of love.
Without a relationship in love,
all our pain will be wasted.
It will be forgotten forever.
Love will never be forgotten.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Let there be laughter.

When was the last time you laughed your head off?
Laughter is this funny little, human function,
that cannot be faked.
When  your mind laughs, your body responds with
waves of muscle impulses.
If you pretend it,
you’ll soon get just exhausted and less and less joyful.
Real laughter comes suddenly.
I can’t wait to meet the next one.
It requires an atmosphere of freedom and security.
Heaven will be full of laughter.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Endless New Beginnings

How many new beginnings are we allowed to have?
Most of the religious policemen of the world would
not allow you more than one, maybe two, if you
really pay well and plead for mercy long enough.
Christ brought us millions of new beginnings.
No one reached the end of his forgiveness.
In the eyes of the self-righteous religious leaders
Christ always forgave too much.
His answer to Peter about the amount of new 
beginnings in forgiveness, says it all,
" I do not say to you, up to seven times,
but up to seventy times seven."
Matthew 18:22
This is the power of grace.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Is there a Jonah in the boat?

Are you the Jonah in the boat?
Sometimes things don't happen ,
because of individual people's
disobedience of God.
Even the heathen, superstitious
 passengers on the boat
lost their common grace environment
 and started asking around,
 "Who is not pleasing their god?"
Jonah understood that God 
was shaking the boat because 
of him. He admitted that he is 
the reason and off board he went.
We cannot do the work of God,
but we can resist and hinder him
surprisingly much.
A good advice is to look for the perfect will
of God and stop considering the permissive
will as an option.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Pivotal Moment

It's mandatory for man to be born again in order
for him to be saved in eternity.
John 3:3
This is not a process, but once and for all moment.
When we put all things into the right perspective, 
we see the extreme importance of
this powerful moment.
People don't need more time,
they just need this moment.
This is the moment that touches eternity.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

The Sky's the Limit

In so many areas man continues to discover 
new things, even long after he taught that he
had figured it all out.
Man can do so many things, yet he cannot
stop himself from sinning.
Even when he isolates himself from all other
people and temptations, he will be continually
failing to keep the standard.
Yes, the sky is blue and beautiful, but in the same
time it's a daily reminder of the greatest
 humiliation and frustration
of the mankind.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Surprises from the Heart

When the Holy Spirit has opportunities
to search our hearts,
 a lot of stuff comes to the surface.
We didn't even know they were there.
"Search me, O God, and know my heart..."
Psalm 139:23
It's understandable that the longer the disciples stayed
with Jesus, the less they trusted their own hearts.
At the night when Jesus revealed that he would
be betrayed, they all asked him,"Is it I?"

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Just don't do it!

Have you ever been looking for a good deal
for flights, hotels or car rentals?
Isn't it amazing that they always have only one thing left
and you will miss it, unless you do it right away.
It's the merciless panic tactics that marketing people 
are using just to get your business.
Fast, spontaneous decisions can be dangerous.
The small text will show up later.
In the business world there is no such a thing as 
a free lunch.
But in the kingdom of God there is no such a thing 
as a paid blessing.
Yes, the fear of God should direct our decisions, but
even more so, our confidence in God's grace should
help us to rest
 when the whole world around is panicking.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Are we friendly or just polite?

Politeness helps us to avoid open confrontations,
but it doesn't open any doors for a personal connection.
It can stay on a superficial level and often deceive us
to think that everything is fine. Even dangerous enemies
have learned to be polite.
Friendliness, on the other hand, always requires personal
involvement. You cannot be friendly from a distance.
We love to be with friendly people, don't we?
Friendliness cannot save the world, but it sure makes it
easier to talk about the Savior.

Friday, March 11, 2016

It is right, but is it supernatural?

It's not difficult to fake happiness.
It's not complicated to learn a religious behavior
with all the right vocabulary and acrobatics.
However, it's impossible to pretend to the
spirit world that you are spiritual , if you are not.
They will beat you up.
Acts 19:15-16
Make no mistake.
The flesh can do it all, except pleasing God.
" for whatever is not from faith is sin."
Romans 14:23
All the sudden there are less and less things
that bring us to an awe at the presence of God.
Could our life be that way?

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Seasonal Friends

Some people disappear from our lives for a season.
They turn off their devices and don’t pick up the phone.
I guess they need to have some distance for a season.
If you are reading this, you are not one of them.
Seasonal friends don’t read other people’s blogs.
They have very little capacity for other people’s thoughts.
They’ll come back
when they get tired enough of themselves.
Don’t judge them hard.
Some people start speaking before they turn one,
others say their first word when they are three.
Some others regret all of their lives that they ever
opened their mouth in the first place.

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Who cares!

Well, I do.
In the world where postmodernism , post postmodernism.
pseudo-modernism and selfishism have tried to devaluate all
meanings and connections, I believe in God's eternal purpose.
It's the only thing that can motivate us to look for a meaning
between all these seemingly irrelevant details that overwhelm
our daily lives.
Every meaning is revealed in relationships.
Faith , hope and love don't function in a closed circle.
They will always look for opportunities to break out
from selfish worlds. That's why no man can put his
stamp of ownership on them.
They will never submit to man's fallen nature, the flesh.
We have an opportunity to connect with God's purpose
with every detail in every moment.
Everything matters and everything finds it's meaning
in our personal relationship with God.
And our personal decisions and movements
are connected with millions of other personal
relationships of God.
This is the beauty of God's multidimensional
eternal design.

Monday, March 7, 2016

If you are empty,

don't stay empty.
Evil is flooding around,
looking for souls to fill.
There is nothing more dangerous 
than to explore the world with
an empty heart.
Some of the stuff that gets in there will 
occupy your mind for decades.
Guard your heart with all diligence.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

It should not have happened.

But it happened.
You should not have done it, but you did.
You should not have gone there, 
but you went and so on and so on, endlessly.
And now you have to live with the memories and
consequences of that what happened.
This is what man's life is like outside of grace.
It's full of guilt, shame and regrets.
Man's soul is  haunted by memories
and consequences of things
that should not have happened.
Some add another burden to their soul by saying,
that grace is not true, it's too easy, it's not right.
I take it.
Otherwise I cannot see
how could I live another sane day
in this world of sin and misery.
Grace gives me the right to smile again.
It's the only way to make it as a believer
in this present evil world.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Love helps us to wait.

P.Schaller's message last night was touching
one of the mysterious issues of God's character.
Why would he wait for us?
He is the Creator of all things. He holds everything in 
order.In the midst of all that he created us,
free and untamed.
"God wants to catch our hearts.
We are the hardest thing to catch.
Even God, doing his best, cannot always catch us."
"The father is home, all day long, 
stretching his arms, waiting, while his son is living
with the pigs."
"Who are you , God?"

Friday, March 4, 2016

It's easy when you are loved.

This was P.Scibelli's message
in the missions night in Budapest.
Everything is easy, because love
creates new capacities
and abilities in us.
It's easy to forgive when you are forgiven.
It's easy to love when you have been loved.
It's easy to give when you have been given.
It's easy when you love.
Jacob worked for seven years
 for Laban in order to get Rachel
and they were like nothing ,
 because he loved her.
Love always finds a way.
Love makes even suffering easy.
After all love is the most 
powerful motivation given 
to the mankind.
We should never underestimate 
nor despise the power of love.

Thursday, March 3, 2016


is difficult to defeat.
We all know very well that we should not
trust any man, but we should always trust
in God's work in people. People can change. 
People can grow. People can genuinely repent.
We trust in God's ability in people.
Trust always opens a new opportunity for
people to go on with their lives.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

It's clear.

If I’m looking for things to obey, I will have no
time to wonder about the will of God.
If I’m looking for opportunities to avoid
all responsibilities, I’ll be endlessly talking about
that how difficult it is
to know exactly what God wants.