Thursday, May 26, 2016

Changing one's opinion

is a confusing element in human behavior.
Politicians are not the only ones who do that.
We all change, influenced by other opinions,
by the winds of time.
Sometimes it's a change from ignorance to knowledge;
sometimes a change from inconvenience to convenience;
sometimes from the truth to a lie.
Another day I was arranging my visa to travel .
The lady at the consulate told me to come back on Wednesday.
When I went back on Wednesday she exclaimed,
"I said Wednesday, but I meant Thursday!"
Opinions come with responsibilities.
Does a changed mind give us the right to step out 
of responsibilities? We can do it, but not without consequences.
Our character, integrity and trustworthiness are at stake.
"but a faithful man who can find?"
Proverbs 20:6
Our credibility will be in danger every time when 
the motivation for our changed opinion
is something less than the truth.
In today's climate personal opinions and rights are
encouraged more than the judgment between right and wrong.
We need to continue running to the Rock that is higher than us.
Psalm 61:2

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

"We are much more

than what we are allowed to be,"
said a young artist in her interview.
I could hear the frustration in her mind.
The dream of living a life without any
rules and restrictions lives in every man's heart.
That would work, if we were the only person
with a free will in this universe.The earth
is too populated for such a luxury. 
We are called to live on this planet together.
No man is an island.
Restrictions, borders and limitations define
relationships. Even though man has abused
them to an extreme, they are necessary.
Without borders there can be no defined goals.
When apostle Paul spoke about his own call
he used the word "separated unto the Gospel."
Romans 1:1
Strong's dictionary defines this word to mean
"to mark off by boundaries" and "to limit."
Drawing the line "in the sand" continues to be
a way to guard our values and to define our goals. 
"The lines are fallen
unto me in pleasant places;
yea, I have a goodly heritage."
Psalm 16:6
The lines that God has drawn for us are goodly.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016


is a word that refers to a person who holds 
on to traditional values
and achievements.
Sometimes it’s misinterpreted to mean
 a non innovative, risk-free and stagnated person 
who is resisting all progress.
Jesus was a very radical conservative. 
Whenever he spoke things changed. 
He honored the given foundations for his own
nation and the mankind by bearing 
the burden and paying the price himself for others.
 He did not abolish the law, but fulfilled it.
He continually invited people to move on with the flow of life:
Seek, Ask, Knock! 
Don’t put the new wine into the old wine-skins.
Let the dead bury the dead.
Jesus never claimed to be conservative or liberal.
 He simply said,
“I am the Truth.”
John 14:6

Monday, May 23, 2016

Own ways, own words, own pleasures

are so difficult to give up (Isaiah 58:13).
The list could go on: own achievements,
 own ideas, own religion, own problems, 
own strength, own house, own life...
Even in his relationship with God man is trying
to possess him and fence him so that others could
not steal him.
When visiting Jeddah I was invited to visit Eve's grave.
Yes, they claim to possess the oldest sight in the world,
the grave of Eve, the mother of the mankind.
After walking in the guards asked me about my religion.
I told them that I'm a Christian and they kicked me out.
It was hilarious.
In tribal wars men were stealing
one another's idols. It's such a ridiculous thought
to think that somebody could steal your god.
A self-centered life is one of the greatest enemies
of a living faith.
Jesus said to the young, rich, ruler,
"Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor,
 and you will have treasure in heaven; and come,
follow me."
The man became very sorrowful,
 "for he was very rich."
He went away, rich, but sad.
Luke 18:22-23

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Why do I believe?

Is it because of all the scientific evidence that clearly
points to a Creator?
Why do I continue to pray when it often feels like
I'm just talking to myself?
Why do I read the Bible daily even though I already
know the story by heart?
Do I believe because I'm afraid of the punishment ?

I believe because without the Savior I'm lost in
my own guilty mind. I cannot find rest in 
the vast universe without His leading.
He is the Shepherd of my soul.
His rod and His staff, they comfort me.
Psalm 23:4
"No one ever cared for me like Jesus."

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Friday, May 13, 2016

Who are you?

Check-point business is growing fast in today's climate.
Travelling around the world is technically easier than ever,
but also increasingly annoying.
You'll end up queuing at the borders for hours,
for what? For proving your identity. Without the proper
documents you don't exist.
I was reading about a woman who said to have almost 
one hundred alter egos. She claimed to live a normal,
but different life. Daily she was navigating through 
different voices that came from inside. She even said that
her friends were so used to it that they have learned
to help her.
They call this  DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder.
With some definitions we all have it.
Our mind is filled with projections, demands, expectations
and lies about our identity.
The more the battle grows between different, conflicting 
identities, the more people need help.
 Many will be willing to give it 
for someone else to decide who they are. The market
for Identity Fixing is flourishing.
Jesus was teaching his disciples daily about their identity.
Finally He concluded, "I am in you, you are in me."
Who are you? I'm a CHRISTiam.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

New thoughts

come with news words and with new ideas.
If we only accept the things that
we learned in the Kindergarten,
we'll end up limiting God and ourselves.
When Peter was given a vision to step
 out from his comfort zone
and reach out to the gentiles,
 his first answer was categorical no.
He later admitted that God's plan was bigger
than his own nationality and culture.
I remember listening to a preacher,
who said that he rejects every
book that starts with the word "new".
Just by looking at him you could tell
that he was living according to his message. 
He had chosen to park somewhere 
over thirty years ago.
God gives us new things,
 but he doesn't change.
He calls us to walk in the newness of life,
not in the old new life.
Romans 6:4

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Reading people

can be confusing.
Some people, like open books,
welcome you into their lives,
others keep their books shut 
and their covers misleading.
Then there's the small text.
Very few people have enough
patience to navigate through that.
Often it's a good advice to stop reading
and start listening,
not on the phone or Skype, Facebook;
 not through other people,
but face to face.
But, who has time for that?
Yes, who has time for that?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Don't bite

the hand that feeds you.
You'll be hurting yourself.
The Devil knows that this is one of
his best strategies.This was his first
message to Adam.He sowed distrust
into man's heart. Dividing the best friends
is a success story in his kingdom.
When man despised
his creator, father and  best friend,
he lost his grip of love.
Angry, barking dogs are a sad picture
of the mankind that once was given 
the paradise.
The paradise was lost  from man's sight,
 but never from his heart.
God himself came to get us back.
The crucifixion seemed like 
an attack from man's
side, but it was actually 
the greatest expression
of God's unending love.
 You can bruise him
and cut him into pieces,
 but every piece of him
will continue loving you 
and embracing you.
None of the painful bites will stop him.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Doing Your Homework

has become faster and in the same time more
time consuming.You can google history, people,
science, neighbors, enemies, businesses, stones,
insects, gods, inner organs, yourself, 
yes, everything that man can think about.
In the daily searching process you'll end up trusting
less and less in your own discernment  and buy more 
and more into Google's omniscience.
Hey, what's going on?
In Google's dictionary the definition of the word
Google ends with a statement "Whether we like it or not,
we now live in a Google-centric world."
Can you smell something burning here?

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Temporary Life

is very frustrating without
 a relationship with God.
It all comes to an end. 
Money will not last. Joy will fade away.
Muscles are aching, teeth are falling,
steps are getting shorter. 
All lights will be turned off sooner or later.
People go somewhere and never return.
Jesus was speaking about lasting joy,
 lasting fruit, everlasting life.
This helps us to laugh at our temporary trials.
 They are nothing
 in comparison with the eternal
sensations that cannot
 be discouraged by time.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

No End To The Law

The law has no power to change man. 
It only can control his untamed behavior.
The more your control man,
 the more you have to control him.
Man's fall is a bottomless pit.
 The deeper you go,
the darker it gets.
New laws and restrictions are issued
 all over the world daily.
Control will obviously be the password
 for all the future societies.
The more laws the existing laws reproduce,
 the weaker  the law becomes and
 the more clear it will be to everyone,
that the law has no power to save man.
Christ is the end of the law.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Trust in  Promises Tested

A promise given without an appointed time
is one of the greatest tests for love.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Is it the same God?

Different religions are all attempting 
to worship the God of Abraham, the God
who spoke to Abraham.
They all want to worship the right God
(because of the witness of eternity in their hearts),
but many end up worshiping the god of this world
who hijacks them with the nets of ignorance.
Paul seemed to believe that some people in Athens were
worshiping the same God as he did, but in ignorance,
 Acts 17:23.
 He told them the name of the
God, whom they were already attempting to find.
Did Cain and Abel sacrifice to the same God?
Yes, but one did it right , the other one did it wrong.
It's possible that a lot of non-christian people 
actually worship our God,
but wrongly, ignorantly, imperfectly...
Isn't this the main reason why we are out here,
telling them His name and sharing with them that
this loving God had them in His heart 
even before the world was created.