Monday, May 2, 2016

Is it the same God?

Different religions are all attempting 
to worship the God of Abraham, the God
who spoke to Abraham.
They all want to worship the right God
(because of the witness of eternity in their hearts),
but many end up worshiping the god of this world
who hijacks them with the nets of ignorance.
Paul seemed to believe that some people in Athens were
worshiping the same God as he did, but in ignorance,
 Acts 17:23.
 He told them the name of the
God, whom they were already attempting to find.
Did Cain and Abel sacrifice to the same God?
Yes, but one did it right , the other one did it wrong.
It's possible that a lot of non-christian people 
actually worship our God,
but wrongly, ignorantly, imperfectly...
Isn't this the main reason why we are out here,
telling them His name and sharing with them that
this loving God had them in His heart 
even before the world was created.

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