Friday, September 16, 2016


is sometimes considered to be sinful and worldly
because it's associated with temptations.
On the other hand decoration in the Bible was
also related to holiness.
God himself gave them detailed information
how to decorate the sanctuary  and it's furniture.
Exodus 25-28
Decoration added a special value to ordinary 
objects and made them holy.
Our life has become a battle ground between sin and 
holiness. Who can make a difference between these two?
Eve could not.
The line between right and wrong , between good and evil,
even between the useful and useless
is sometimes non-existing.
We cannot see it.
We need to hear from God.
Isn't this the reason, why we cry out to him daily.

1 comment:

  1. Holiness, worship, decorates our dusty soul...
